One of my favorite features of the Boston Public Library's e-book system is that you can add yourself to the waiting list for a book. When your turn in the list comes up, the system sends you an e-mail and gives you five days to check out the book. I've used it more than a few times since the books I gravitate to are either popular or in short supply.
All was well until this week. I was on the waiting list for two books and they both became available with in days of each other. Why was this a problem? It's not like one can ever have too much to read....
Well, it happens that I've been very busy as of late and my time for reading is tight. On top of this, the lending period for an e-book is 14 days with no obvious renewal option other than checking the book out again. So, I have two books I want to read that I can borrow, but if I cannot get through one of them I'll have to add myself to the bottom of the list and wait to finish it.
An abundance of riches is a lovely problem to have:)
I still think the waiting list feature is great. I think from now on I'll only put myself on one waiting list at a time.
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