Nov 27, 2011

Keurig Must Die!

Keurig is evil. They prey upon people's laziness to foist bad, over priced coffee on us. To make it even worse, their k-cups pile up in landfills where what ever comes after humanity will find them and be amazed at how primitive and backwards we were.
It is easy to make good single cups of coffee cheaply and without so much waste. Use a French press or a single cup filter. It tastes better and is better for the planet. As an added bonus, you will be forced to sit back and relax for a few minutes while your coffee brews.

Nov 18, 2011

Heat Rises

This is the third Richard Caslte novel. Like its predecessors, it presents fictionalized versions of the "real" people on the TV show Castle. The book is a solid piece of genre fiction, that I think an stand on its own. However, for me the fun is in the association with Castle. I love the show and the characters, so seeing how they are morphed to fit the crime genre is fun.In this installment we are treated to a more intimate portrait of Nikki Heat. Her vulnerabilities are at the fore throughout the story. She is uncertain about her relationship with Rourke. She is off of her game because of her relationship with her Captain. It is interesting to see the tension between her weaknesses and the tough as nails shell she projects.It is an interesting parallel to Bekett's development on the show. Outwardly, she is tough as nails and an emotional brick wall. Internally, as we've seen glimpses of throughout the series, she is a maelstrom of conflicting emotions. This season in particular is exploring the balancing act she plays to keep it together and the price she pays to do it.